Nazarene Bible College
2020 N Academy Blvd, Suite 316
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
The Alliance for Ministry Education is an organization composed of participating Church of the Nazarene District Training Centers (DTC) and Nazarene Bible College (NBC) who work together to provide college-level ministry training at the district level. This training is designed to produce effective ministers and allows persons to fulfill the educational requirements for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene.
Throughout its history, the Church of the Nazarene has relied upon a well-trained corps of God-called ministers to lead the church. The church reaffirms in many ways that its leaders should be provided with the most effective preparation possible. Ministerial training in the Church of the Nazarene exists in college-level education at the regional and national levels and non-college training at the district level.
Many districts operate centers to provide training for persons who wish to pursue the completion of educational requirements for ordination in the church. Some districts have established an alliance with Nazarene Bible College in order to provide college-level ministerial training through the district program.
The Alliance for Ministry Education is a voluntary organization of district training centers within the Church of the Nazarene in the United States that prepares men and women for ministry in their own communities. While the Alliance is not an educational program of Nazarene Bible College, it is a collaborative program to assist district training centers in preparing men and women for Christian ministry. NBC is an Alliance member and a partner with a broad number of district training centers. Although NBC has no legal or accreditational connection with district training centers, it acts in consultation with these centers in areas of academic excellence and good practice, curricular development, instructor qualification and development, and the use of the Student Academic Portfolio.
In 1983, the Board of General Superintendents designated Nazarene Bible College as the educational training entity for adult minority persons. Nazarene Bible College developed a contextual educational program which focused on training multicultural ministerial students who could not attend a traditional college. This innovative program, now called the Alliance for Ministry Education has expanded into Church of Nazarene districts in the United States and Canada. It serves men and women in preparing for pastoral and lay ministries at the district level.
Alliance district training centers are operated by districts in the Church of the Nazarene. Each district training center has a board to direct its operation, fund the training center, and make recommendations to the annual Alliance conference. In addition, each center’s board elects a director has is responsible for daily operations.
District training centers have responsibility for their own instructors, although, center directors work in consultation with Nazarene Bible College regarding instructor qualification and development. District training centers partnered with Alliance are expected to qualify their instructors on the same basis as Nazarene Bible College.
All course materials contained herein are the sole property of Nazarene Bible College and are not to be disseminated to any persons or organizations except upon the expressed, written consent of the College. Faculty teaching an Alliance course automatically have access to all materials in that course and may use the materials in the course, but are not permitted to distribute the materials to others outside of the Alliance.
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